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A USB wireless device, PC is recognized as the serial device (please install our Serial Driver)
ending end can easily set the baud rate, in order to prevent the receiver-side processing, however, the sender sends a packet preferably every 5 ms delay
Default PC to PC or PC to any set of NRF24L01 + (download link in our NRF24L01 + code) can communicate directly, no.
The USB wireless module when no data is sent automatically enters the receiving state
modules work in a dynamic packet format
If you need the freedom to set common parameters only need an AT command, such as AT + SET = 40270102030405
Instructions explain:
40 representatives 0X40 refers to the physical frequency number, based on the increase in 2400MHZ can set a total of 126 0X40MHZ
27 representatives SETUP register used to set the baud rate transmit power and receive
0102030405 physical address on behalf of five software
همه اينترنتو گشتم جز اين متن هيچي ديگه نيست
مسئله اينجاست تو 40270102030405 ،*40 برا كاناله كه ادرس پنجه و 27 هم رجيستر ستاپه كه آدرس شيشه بعد اين آدرس رو گذاشته منظورش چيه چرا اصلا دوتايي ميفرسته شايدم سه تايي آدرس پايپ اولو داره ميفرسته
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