My 3D Printed CNC Machine
I have always wanted a CNC machine, but I've never had plans to make money off of it or anything, so I had a hard time justifying even the cost of a homemade machine. I bought a 3D printer about 2 years ago, and when I saw the Mostly Printed CNC (vicious1 dot com), I decided it was worth the effort to try to make it. Its main structure is cheap EMT and 3D printed parts (which you can buy or make). The other hardware is common 5/16" bolts, and common 3D printer/RepRap parts. I started by printing the parts and assembling the frame. Once I had it mostly set up, it was easy to justify the ~$300 for the electronics, hardware, and motors. This is a pic of that MPCNC:
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Custom explainer studio
We did not do this in Iran, because we can not produce parts due to global sanctions and lack of materials.
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