نوشته اصلی توسط
فايل بوت راه اندازت رو برو داخلش يك فايل config.txt رو قسمت htmi_mode بجاي يك بنويس 16 ( اگر خروجي شما مونيتور كامپيوتر هست) درست مي شه
This is how to override the default format in config.txt:
1. Set hdmi_group = 1 (for CEA formats) or hdmi_group = 2 (for DMT formats)
2. Set hdmi_mode = x (where x is the code of the format of the respective group; see the list of CEA/DMT formats for details.)
3. If the chosen format is DMT, set hdmi_drive = 2 to enable HDMI output. (CEA modes are output as HDMI by default).
HDMI_CEA_1080p60 = 16
Note that config.txt is only used by Linux-based operating systems like Raspbian. It isn't used by NOOBS, for example, as NOOBS has a different mechanism for choosing video settings (although NOOBS can create a config.txt for the OS it installs to use, and even does so automatically when asked to "make a setting permanent"). You can find more information on config.txt on our documentation pages.