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در ابتدای باید عنوان کنم من تازه با آردوئینو اشنا شدم و خیلی هم به اون علاقه مندم.
اما سئوال اینجاست که چطوری می شود بصورت زنده صدارو از دستگاهی به دستگاه دیگه بصورت بی سیم انتقال داد
البته تحقیق هایی نیز در این مورد داشتم که به این لینک ها رسیدم
RF24Audio و با کتابخانه
آشنا شدم که فردی در لینک دوم با استفاده این کتابخانه دقیقا خواسته من رو اجرا کرده بود اما مشکل این جاست که من کدی رو که در پروگرام هاش استفاده کرده بود رو نتونستم پیدا کنم
به جز این مورد که کمی خطا داره
#include <nRF24L01.h>
#include <printf.h>
#include <RF24.h>
#include <RF24_config.h>
/* RF24 Audio Library TMRh20 2014
This sketch is demonstrates the use of private channels (node-to-node) in a multi-radio group.
3 or more Arduinos (Uno,Nano,Mega, etc supported)
3 or more NRF24LO1 Radio Modules
1 or more input devices (microphone, ipod, etc)
2 or more output devices (speaker, amplifier, etc)
1. Change the CE,CS pins below to match your chosen pins (I use 7,8 on 328 boards, and 48,49 on Mega boards)
2. Set the radio identifier number. This will identify each radio in the radio group.
2. Upload this sketch to three or more devices
3. Send commands via the serial monitor to control the devices
Default Pin Selections:
Speaker: pins 9,10 on UNO, Nano, pins 11,12 on Mega 2560
Input/Microphone: Analog pin A0 on all boards
Note: Should support up to 10 radios currently. This has not been fully tested.
Note: Pin selections can be overridden by modifying the userConfig.h file included with the library
Note: If two or more radios share the same identifier, they will receive the same single-pipe transmissinos, but will be unable
to establish node-to-node communication between each other.
#include <RF24.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <RF24Audio.h>
RF24 radio(7,8); // Set radio up using pins 7 (CE) 8 (CS)
/********* Set the Radio Identifier Here ************/
RF24Audio rfAudio(radio,0); // Set up the audio using the radio, and set to radio number 0.
// Setting the radio number is only important if one-to-one communication is desired
// in a multi-node radio group. See the private
void setup() {
rfAudio.begin(); // The only thing to do is initialize the library.
void loop() {
case 'r': rfAudio.transmit(); break;
case 's': rfAudio.receive(); break;
case '1': rfAudio.broadcast(1); break; // Broadcast to radio number 1 only ( This one being radio number 0 )
case '2': rfAudio.broadcast(2); break; // Broadcast to radio number 2 only
case '3': rfAudio.broadcast(255); break; // Switch back to multicast to all radios in the group
/* Documentation and References:
All Library documentation: http://tmrh20.github.io/
New (2014) RF24 Audio Library: https://github.com/TMRh20/RF24Audio
Optimized (2014) RF24 Lib Source Code: https://github.com/TMRh20/RF24
Optimized (2014) RF24 Network Lib: https://github.com/TMRh20/RF24Network
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