کد:#include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include <Wire.h>//Include libraries: SoftwareSerial & Wire SoftwareSerial BT(11,12); //Define PIN11 & PIN12 as RX and TX pins //RGB LED Pins int PIN_RED = 3; int PIN_GREEN = 5; int PIN_BLUE = 6; //RED LED at Pin 13 int RED_LED = 13; String RGB = ""; //store RGB code from BT String RGB_Previous = "255.255.255)"; //preserve previous RGB color for LED switch on/off, default White String ON = "ON"; //Check if ON command is received String OFF = "OFF"; //Check if OFF command is received boolean RGB_Completed = false; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); //Arduino serial port baud rate:9600 BT.begin(9600);//My HC-05 module default baud rate is 9600 RGB.reserve(30); pinMode(RED_LED, OUTPUT); //Set pin13 as output for LED, // this LED is on Arduino mini pro, not the RGB LED } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: //Read each character from Serial Port(Bluetooth) while(BT.available()){ char ReadChar = (char)BT.read(); // Right parentheses ) indicates complet of the string if(ReadChar == ')'){ RGB_Completed = true; }else{ RGB += ReadChar; } } //When a command code is received completely with ')' ending character if(RGB_Completed){ //Print out debug info at Serial output window Serial.print("RGB:"); Serial.print(RGB); Serial.print(" PreRGB:"); Serial.println(RGB_Previous); if(RGB==ON){ digitalWrite(13,HIGH); RGB = RGB_Previous; //We only receive 'ON', so get previous RGB color back to turn LED on Light_RGB_LED(); }else if(RGB==OFF){ digitalWrite(13,LOW); RGB = "0.0.0)"; //Send OFF string to turn light off Light_RGB_LED(); }else{ //Turn the color according the color code from Bluetooth Serial Port Light_RGB_LED(); RGB_Previous = RGB; } //Reset RGB String RGB = ""; RGB_Completed = false; } //end if of check if RGB completed } // end of loop void Light_RGB_LED(){ int SP1 = RGB.indexOf('.'); int SP2 = RGB.indexOf('.', SP1+1); int SP3 = RGB.indexOf('.', SP2+1); String R = RGB.substring(0, SP1); String G = RGB.substring(SP1+1, SP2); String B = RGB.substring(SP2+1, SP3); //Print out debug info at Serial output window Serial.print("R="); Serial.println( constrain(R.toInt(),0,255)); Serial.print("G="); Serial.println(constrain(G.toInt(),0,255)); Serial.print("B="); Serial.println( constrain(B.toInt(),0,255)); //Light up the LED with color code //**2014-09-21 //Because these RGB LED are common anode (Common positive) //So we need to take 255 to minus R,G,B value to get correct RGB color code analogWrite(PIN_RED, (R.toInt())); analogWrite(PIN_GREEN, (G.toInt())); analogWrite(PIN_BLUE, (B.toInt())); }
تابع void light_light_rgb رو میشه توضیح بدین که چیه؟
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