Reading and writing data to 24C08 EEPROM over I2C
Datasheet for 24C08
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__ __
PRE -| |- VCC
NC -| |- MODE
E -| |- SCL
VSS -|_____|- SDA
PRE = Write Protect -> GROUND
NC = Not connected
E = Chip Enable Input -> first EEPROM -> GROUND for I2C addresses 0x50,0x51,0x52,0x53; second EEPROM -> 5V for I2C addresses 0x54,0x55,0x56,0x57
VSS = Ground -> GROUND
VCC = Supply Voltage -> 5V
MODE = Multibyte/Page Write Mode -> GROUND (not used here)
SCL = Serial Clock -> Analog PIN 5 (Uno)
SDA = Serial Data Address IN/OUT -> Analog PIN 4 (Uno)
#include <Wire.h> // for I2C
// variable to receive data coming from the EERPROMs
byte data_received=0;
// eeprom address array, use I2C scanner sketch to find the addresses. This array contains 2 chips with 4 device addresses (like virtual chips) each
byte chip[] = {0x50,0x51,0x52,0x53,0x54,0x55,0x56,0x57};
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // for screen output
Wire.begin(); // waking up I2C
Serial.println("Setup finished");
void writeData(int device_address, byte memory_address, byte data)
// write one byte of data 'data' to eeprom memory address 'memory_address' to chip with I2C address 'device_address'
Wire.beginTransmission(device_address); // device address
Wire.write(memory_address ); // memory address
Wire.write(data); // data to send
Wire.endTransmission(); // end
byte readData(int device_address, byte memory_address)
// reads one byte of data from memory location 'memory_address' in chip at I2C address 'device_address'
byte result; // return value
Wire.beginTransmission(device_address); // device address
Wire.write(memory_address); // memory address
Wire.endTransmission(); // end
Wire.requestFrom(device_address,1); // get one byte of data from device
if (Wire.available())
result = Wire.read();
return result; // return the read data byte
void loop()
int ascii_counter = 33; // to see something we start with the first readable character in the ASCII table which is 33 == '!'
Serial.print("Writing data ");
for (int a=0; a<8; a++) // loop to go through the address array of the eeprom i.e. chip[a]
for (int b=0; b<256;b++) // each chip has one byte of addressable memory
writeData(chip[a],b,ascii_counter); // writing the value ascii_counter to chip chip[a] at address b
Serial.print("chip :"); // let's see what it did
Serial.print(chip[a], HEX);
Serial.print(" address :");
Serial.print(" value :");
ascii_counter++; // next character of ASCII table
if (ascii_counter > 126) {ascii_counter = 33;}; // ASCII characters greater 126 are not visible, go back to the first readable character at 33
delay(10000); // let's wait some seconds
Serial.println("Reading data...");
for (int a=0; a<8; a++) // same as above, we toogle through the 8 chips ....
Serial.print("Chip: ");
for (int b=0; b<256;b++) // and all 256 addresses in each (virtual) chip...
data_received=readData(chip[a],b); // and read the data there....
Serial.print(char(data_received)); // and print it to serial....
Serial.println(); // new line for each chip
// since the chip has only a limited number of write cycles, we don't want to write again and again. Let's end the sketch
} while ( 1 != 0);