#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Thermal.h>
int printer_RX_Pin = 2;
int printer_TX_Pin = 3;
Thermal printer(printer_RX_Pin, printer_TX_Pin, 19200);
void setup(){
//Following are in setup, but do not need to be. Use them anywhere.
//Just here so they do not just keep printing over and over
//Printer will ignore commands during printing, so use delay(3000)
//after prints to ensure it see everything you want to print.
printer.justify('R'); //sets text justification (right, left, center) accepts 'L', 'C', 'R'
printer.setSize('L'); // set type size, accepts 'S', 'M', 'L'
printer.println("hello"); //print line
printer.setSize('M'); // set type size, accepts 'S', 'M', 'L'
printer.println("hello"); //print line
printer.setSize('S'); // set type size, accepts 'S', 'M', 'L'
printer.println("hello"); //print line
printer.feed(); //advance one line
printer.feed(); //advance one line
//printer.setHeatTime(80); // 80 is default from page 23 of datasheet. Controls speed of printing and darkness
//printer.setHeatInterval(2); // 2 is default from page 23 of datasheet. Controls speed of printing and darkness
//printer.setPrintDensity(15); // Not sure what the defaut is. Testing shows the max helps darken text. From page 23.
//printer.setPrintBreakTime(15); // Not sure what the defaut is. Testing shows the max helps darken text. From page 23.
//printer.print("hello"); //add text to print line without printing it. Call println to print.//printer.print(1234);
//printer.println("hello"); //print line//printer.println(1234);
//printer.printBarcode("123456789123"); //print simple bar code - up to 12 characters long//printer.printFancyBarCode("WWW.BILDR.ORG"); // print fancy barcode. Cap latters and some symbols
//printer.printFancyBarcode("WWW.BILDR.ORG"); // print fancy barcode. Cap latters and some symbols
//printer.setBarcodeHeight(50); // set barcode px height: 0-255
//printer.boldOn(); // Turn bold on//printer.boldOff(); //Rurn bold off
//printer.doubleHeightOn(); // sets type to print double hight//printer.doubleHeightOff(); //Turn off double hight printing
//printer.inverseOn(); //set to print white on black//printer.inverseOff(); //set to print black on white (default)
//printer.sleep(); //Tell printer to sleep. MUST call wake before printing again, even if reset//printer.wake(); //Wake //printer.
//printer.setSize('L'); // set type size, accepts 'S', 'M', 'L'
//printer.feed(); //advance one line
//printer.tab(); //Tabs text over 8 spaces
//printer.justify('R'); //sets text justification (left, center, right) accepts 'L', 'C', 'R'
//printer.setDefault(); //set printer to defaults. ****WILL FEED SEVERAL LINES WHEN CALLED***
void loop(){
اگر پرينتر را با استفاده از بوردهاي Arduino راه اندازي ميكنيد حتما بايد تغذيه پرينتر را بصورت جداگانه و از منبع تغذيه خارجي فراهم كنيد.