How to battery charger for use arduino
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چطور از مدارمان پشتيباني (تغذيه) كنيم؟
1- با استفاده از باتري شارژر يك پشتيبان بسازيم( براي مدارمان)
مطالب بسيار است لطفا اگر كسي نظري داره بنويسد .
با تشكر
مطلب اول : https://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/...5_breakout.PDF
مطلب دوم : https://www.sparkfun.com/products/retired/726
مطلب سوم :
I have arduino uno controlling the on/off of a battery charger (UPS) what arduino does is sensing the battery voltage and when batteries are low it closes the relay and the the charger start to charge the batteries when batteries are at 29V it opens the relay and the charger power off...
This is the main function but for adding some information arduino has the following connections:
pin 8 - Relay in
Pin A3 - Acs714 (reading amps charged /discharged) <- reading it at DC side of the charger...
pin A5/a4 a RTC ds1307
All the above are connected to 5v arduino and gnd
Pin a0 - voltage divider to read batt voltages
مطلب چهارم :
بوسيله رله دو كانله مي شود
مطلب پنجم:
در واقع ما مي خواهيم يك UPS درست كنيم با استفاده ازآردوينو (لطفا اگر كسي نظري داره بنويسد)
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