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کد:/* Author = helscream (Omer Ikram ul Haq) Last edit date = 2014-10-08 Website: Arduino with MPU6050 and angle calculation – HobbyLogs Location: Pakistan Ver: 0.1 beta --- Start Ver: 0.2 beta --- Bug fixed for calculating "angle_y_accel" and "angle_x_accel" in "Gyro_header.ino" file */ #include <Wire.h> #include "gyro_accel.h" // Defining constants #define dt 20 // time difference in milli seconds #define rad2degree 57.3 // Radian to degree conversion #define Filter_gain 0.95 // e.g. angle = angle_gyro*Filter_gain + angle_accel*(1-Filter_gain) // ************************************************** ******************* // Global Variables // ************************************************** ******************* unsigned long t = 0; // Time Variables float angle_x_gyro = 0, angle_y_gyro = 0, angle_z_gyro = 0, angle _x_accel = 0, angle_y_accel = 0, angle_z_accel = 0, angle_x = 0, angle_y = 0, angle_z = 0; // ************************************************** ******************* // Main Code void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Wire.begin(); MPU6050_ResetWake(); MPU6050_SetGains(0, 1); // Setting the lows scale MPU6050_SetDLPF(0); // Setting the DLPF to inf Bandwidth for calibration MPU6050_OffsetCal(); MPU6050_SetDLPF(6); // Setting the DLPF to lowest Bandwidth Serial.print("gyro_x_scalled"); Serial.print("\tgyro_y_scalled"); Serial.print("\tgyro_z_scalled"); Serial.print("\taccel_x_scalled"); Serial.print("\taccel_y_scalled"); Serial.print("\taccel_z_scalled"); Serial.print("\tangle_x_gyro"); Serial.print("\tangle_y_gyro"); Serial.print("\tangle_z_gyro"); Serial.print("\tangle_x_accel"); Serial.print("\tangle_y_accel"); Serial.print("\tangle_z_accel"); Serial.print("\tangle_x"); Serial.print("\tangle_y"); Serial.print("\tangle_z"); Serial.println("\tLoad"); t = millis(); } void loop() { int relaypin = 3; t = millis(); MPU6050_ReadData(); angle_x_gyro = (gyro_x_scalled * ((float)dt / 1000) + angle_x); angle_y_gyro = (gyro_y_scalled * ((float)dt / 1000) + angle_y); if (angle_y_gyro < 90) digitalWrite (relaypin, LOW); else digitalWrite (relaypin, HIGH); angle_z_gyro = (gyro_z_scalled * ((float)dt / 1000) + angle_z); angle_z_accel = atan(accel_z_scalled / (sqrt(accel_y_scalled * accel_y_scalled + accel_x_scal led * accel_x_scalled))) * (float)rad2degree; angle_y_accel = -atan(accel_y_scalled / (sqrt(accel_y_scalled * accel_y_scalled + accel_z_scal led * accel_z_scalled))) * (float)rad2degree; angle_x_accel = atan(accel_x_scalled / (sqrt(accel_x_scalled * accel_x_scalled + accel_z_scal led * accel_z_scalled))) * (float)rad2degree; angle_x = Filter_gain * angle_x_gyro + (1 - Filter_gain) * angle_x_accel; angle_y = Filter_gain * angle_y_gyro + (1 - Filter_gain) * angle_y_accel; angle_z = Filter_gain * angle_z_gyro + (1 - Filter_gain) * angle_z_accel; Serial.print(gyro_x_scalled); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(gyro_y_scalled); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(gyro_z_scalled); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(accel_x_scalled); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(accel_y_scalled); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(accel_z_scalled); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(angle_x_gyro); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(angle_y_gyro); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(angle_z_gyro); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(angle_x_accel); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(angle_y_accel); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(angle_z_accel); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(angle_x); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(angle_y); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(angle_z); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.println(((float)(millis() - t) / (float)dt) * 100); while ((millis() - t) < dt) { // Making sure the cycle time is equal to dt // Do nothing } }
این خطا را داد
Arduino: 1.6.6 Hourly Build 2015/10/22 05:42 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno"
F:\My circuits\gyro\omega-gyroXXX\omega-gyroXXX.ino:13:24: fatal error: gyro_accel.h: No such file or directory
#include "gyro_accel.h"
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Error compiling.
This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
enabled in File > Preferences.